Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to send you all a friendly reminder that you signed up for the Castle Imaginary Play center. Barbara would like A LOT of hands on activities for the children.
Set Up: All of you will work on set up. Some of you will assemble our drawbridge and mote that will connect to the loft. Some of you will organize and stock our princess dress up area. This will consist of dresses, shoes, and jewelry. Some of you will set up our Knights quarters and armory, this will consist of shields, armor, and hand made cannon balls. Others will work on decor and our apothecary.
Take Down: You will all take down the Castle. You will return furniture and items to their original places and recreate the original “kitchen/house” environment.
You will ALL be responsible for setting up AND taking down this center. If you are unavailable it is YOUR responsibility to notify your Team Leader PRIOR to the Setup/ Take down day.
The School/ Teacher Barbara has the Following:
• Princess costumes
• Knight costumes
• Hobby horses maybe a rocking horse
• Dragon
• Maypole
You will need to Create, Collect, or Get Donations for the Following:
• Several Very large Refrigerator boxes painted to look like the stone walls of a castle including a drawbridge!
There is a Refrigerator/ Air Conditioner Store in Lake Forest where you can get large boxes here is the info
Phone (949) 586-3669
25741 Commerce centre
Lake Forest, Ca 92630
Hours of Operation
Tuesday thru Friday 8:30-5:30
Saturday 8:30-4:00
• Make the Castle very large
•MUST HAVE* a working Drawbridge- use rope to operate attach Castle to Loft securely- per Teacher Barbara
• Turn a few chairs into throne's
•Treasure Box
• Crowns and tiaras
• A wishing well
• a mote- use blue felt or other material that will be durable
• Knight shields
• Roll newspaper into balls tape closed (use Masking tape NOT Duct Tape)
• Dungeon, Blacksmith, Kitchen, Princess Quarters, Knight's Armory, Apothecary
• Any other ideas?
Go Here for the Donations letter for the Castle Imaginary Play center of basic items needed remember you can always add to it as needed. Simply Copy and Paste into a Word Document (change Font size as needed)Include the Base Donations Letter along with the specific Donations Letter for the unit you are working on
Please “REPLY TO ALL” and keep me in the loop with all emails so I can stay up to date with your progress and ideas.

Our Stable

Fire place made from recycled packing material

Knights armory

The whole castle was made by three boxes (more were needed for accessories) The "Watch Towers were made using a washer/dryer box each and the top castle and drawbridge were a refrigerator box.
Another take on the Castle Theme using Fairy Tales!
The thing that looks kind of like rope in the front is Rapunzals hair coming down from the loft. There were ribbons, flowers, and clothespins so the kids could decorate her hair
Princess and the pea. A sleeping bag laid down, put the peas underneath. Have the kids lay down and see if they can feel the pea
Goose that lays the golden eggs
Golden eggs
One of my favorite additions the apothecary. In each of the little baggies were spices and herbs for the kids to smell. they were tied shut with a knot so the the kids could not open them just smell and enjoy.And talk about what they were smelling spicey, sweet etc.
Making potions. Some science bottles glued shut so the kids could pretend to make potions
Jacks beans. Sealed shut
The beanstalk climbing up the loft
beautiful may pole
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