I just wanted to send you all a friendly reminder that you signed up for the Outer Space Imaginary Play center. Barbara would like A LOT of hands on activities for the children.
Set Up: All of you will work on set up. Some of you will assemble our Space Ship. Some of you will organize and stock our outer space gear including space suits, helmets and rocket packs. Some of you will set up our mission control station. Others will work on decor and overall setup.
Take Down: You will all take down the Castle. You will return furniture and items to their original places and recreate the original “kitchen/house” environment.
You will ALL be responsible for setting up AND taking down this center. If you are unavailable it is YOUR responsibility to notify your Team Leader PRIOR to the Setup/ Take down day.
The School/ Teacher Barbara has the Following:
• Voting Booth to create outerspace backdrop
• Space suits, goggles, gloves, coveralls
Below are pictures from Previous Years, Please use these as a guide for this years setup
WE NEED TO MAKE THIS SPACESHIP You can find directions by clicking on the link
Go Here for the Donations letter for the Space Station of basic items needed remember you can always add to it as needed. Simply Copy and Paste into a Word Document (change Font size as needed)Include the Base Donations Letter along with the specific Donations Letter for the unit you are working on
Please “REPLY TO ALL” and keep me in the loop with all emails so I can stay up to date with your progress and ideas.
The Previous years photos

The back is all anti- static bags

The inside of the Spaceship, a light strand is attached to the top top light the spaceship
Dryer vent tubes attached to rubber gloves are used for space exploration and plastic bowls from the Dollar Tree make lookouts.

Egg cartons attached to the top create texture

Our solar system made from wood trim from Home Depot and different sized bouncy balls balanced on the wood
In the back is a giant Sun the kids worked on

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